03 January 2011

Happy New Year!

What's Happening?
I'm working on some resolutions for the new year ...
1) Focus on fitness & health using the 5, 3, 2, 1, almost none rule -
5 - Servings of fruits / veggies daily.
3 - Meals a day, not fast food.
2 - Hours or less of TV.
1 - Hour or more of exercise.
Almost none - Sodas, sweets; drink more water.

2) Use Thursdays to be thankful, write a note to a friend, etc.

3) Get up earlier for work and go to bed earlier, so that I'm not stressed and frazzled in the morning.

What's off my sticks!
I finished the blanket for my best-friend, Susan.  I hope she and her baby enjoy it very much.  I sewed fleece onto the back and tied each corner with yarn to make it more comfy & warm.  I changed the colors a little from the pattern to make it a more appropriate blanket for a baby girl and used yarn from Knit Picks that is washer and dryer friendly for practicality.

I also finished socks for my husband, Todd.  I think he is really enjoying them.  I enjoyed making them.  They are red per his request, and just a basic top down pattern.  I will post a pic next time.

What's on my sticks?
More socks ... this time they are for me.  They are a cabled pattern, the first cabled pattern I've ever attempted.  It's much easier than I thought it would be.  I'm about half-way done with sock number one.  I used colorful yarn, so it is a little difficult to see the cable.

Knitting News

I received a sewing machine from my Mom & Dad for Christmas this year (the Hello Kitty, Sew Pretty) and also have an antique sewing machine, the Singer Featherweight from my Mother-in-law.  So, I might start blogging a little about sewing as well.

What I'm Reading
I just finished listening to Blue Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews.  It's a very cute story and an easy quick read.  If you like southern chick lit and have read other Mary Kay Andrews books, you would enjoy this one as well.  Put it on your list for next Christmas season.

I'm currently reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult.  I literally can't put this one down!  I don't want to give it away, but it's about a teenager with Asperger's syndrome and an obsession with forensic science.  There is a murder mystery involved.  I instantly fell in love with the characters.