What's Happening?
Thank goodness, it is finally summer time. I have been trying to spend as much time as possible at the beach or at the pool. This blog will probably be a little bit short so that I can go enjoy the outdoors :-).
Whats off my sticks?
I am having so much fun knitting monsters from Rebecca Danger's monster book. I also have really enjoyed knitting in the round with the magic loop method. The two monsters to the left are Charlie and Harold. The monster below is Baldwin, he was a gift for my little sister.
What's on my sticks?
I'm knitting another monster, this one is tiny and knit out of the same pretty yarn I used to knit Baldwin.
Knitting News
I joined Audiobooks about one year ago, and have really enjoyed listening to books while I knit, ride in the car, and go on my afternoon walk with my dogs. I highly recommend the service. There is an Audiobook app, so you can listen to your books directly from your i-phone. The books are cheaper than purchasing an audiobook from a retailer.
Here is one of my dogs, Daisy, relaxing while I knit ...
What am I reading?
I have been reading so much, on my Kindle, on audiobooks, and from real books!
I read the entire Nora Roberts', "Born In" Trilogy: Born in Fire, Born in Ice, and Born in Shame. The trilogy is addicting and very entertaining. The books made me feel like I had taken a trip to Ireland.
I'm almost finished reading Nora Roberts', "Chesapeake Bay" Saga. I've finished: Sea Swept and Rising Tides. I'm currently listening to Inner Harbor. After I finish this series, I plan to switch to a different author for a while. As much as I have enjoyed these books, I need a break. Any suggestions are welcome!
On my Kindle, I'm reading, a vampire / witch romance, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. The beginning was a little slow, but ever since the main character, a witch, attended a yoga class filled with witches, demons, and vampires, I've been hooked ;)
I'm also reading a paperback edition of Kitchen Chinese written by Ann Mah. My mother-in-law picked up this book on her trip to China ... thank goodness this copy is written in English. It is a very addicting novel about a woman about my age who goes through a career crisis and decides to escape her troubles by moving to Beijing in the hopes that she can succeed as a journalist. I highly recommend this book.